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daniel 12造句

  • The notion of Daniel 12 and Isaiah 25-26.
  • Vladimir Radmanovic had 17 points, Antonio Daniels 12 and Danny Fortson 10.
  • Daniel 12 : At this time Michael will come.
  • Daniel 12 : 11 ) after Julian the Apostate.
  • Rebounds _ Auburn 36 ( Daniels 12 ), Mississippi 38 ( Lockhart 13 ).
  • Assists _ Orlando 27 ( Armstrong 14 ), San Antonio 27 ( Daniels 12 ).
  • Assists _ San Antonio 30 ( Daniels 12 ), Cleveland 21 ( Ji . Jackson 7 ).
  • The Latin tag across the bottom  " "  is taken from Daniel 12 : 4.
  • Both were perfect from the foul line _ Daniels 12-for-12 and Duncan 9-for-9.
  • His original scheme anticipated " the time of the end " as forecast in Daniel 12 : 12 closing around 1865.
  • It's difficult to see daniel 12 in a sentence. 用daniel 12造句挺难的
  • LaHaye and Hindson go on to explain Daniel 12, which tells how Israel's suffering will lead to its salvation and the millennial kingdom of Christ.
  • In 1928 Rutherford began to teach that the Cedar Point convention and the events resulting from it fulfilled the prophecy of the 1290 days at Daniel 12 : 11.
  • In the Book of Daniel 12 : 4 " But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, until the time of the end ."
  • Of archangels in the angelology of post-Exilic Judaism, only Michael, mentioned as archangel ( Daniel 12 : 1 ), and Gabriel are mentioned by name in canonical books.
  • Some interpret a passage in the Book of Daniel, Daniel 12 : 11, as a prophecy that the end of this age will occur shortly after sacrifices are ended in the newly rebuilt temple.
  • And those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever .-Daniel 12 : 3
  • In May 1926 Rutherford released his book " Deliverance " at the Bible Student's convention in Kensington, England later interpreting the event as the fulfillment of the 1335 days of Daniel 12 : 12.
  • It refers to the nature of Biblical verses commonly cited as evidence for this doctrine include Psalm 49 : 15, Daniel 12 : 2, John 11 : 23-24, Romans 8 : 30 and 1 Corinthians 15 : 20.
  • There are various vague predictions in it of course, which each spawned various " WE ALL DIE ! " ! " dates, but he specifically picked out a particular passage : Daniel 12, specifically 12 : 11 which says:
  • For biblical references to Sheol see Genesis 42 : 38, Isaiah 14 : 11, Psalm 141 : 7, Daniel 12 : 2, Proverbs 7 : 27 and Job 10 : 21, 22, and 17 : 16, among others.
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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